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GatenbySanderson appoint Affinity Group Sponsors

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of our new Affinity Group Sponsors (AGS) who will lead the way in fostering D&I within our organisation. These passionate leaders are not just sponsoring our Affinity Groups – they are embedding themselves within them, striving to learn, support, and drive positive change within GS and beyond.


Please join us in welcoming:

Headshot of Kevin GordonKevin Gordon – AGS for Race Affinity Group. Kevin’s commitment to learning and understanding the experiences of our diverse staff is nothing short of inspiring. He says, “I eagerly took up the opportunity to be Race Affinity Groups Sponsor as I want to show visible and authentic leadership through activity not just words. By immersing myself in this role, I hope to gain a deeper personal understanding of the experiences, challenges and successes of those individuals who don’t look like me, but sit right next to me!

It’s a chance to step outside of my own perspective and truly connect with members of Race Affinity, who contribute so much to our workplace. By doing so I believe not only will I gain valuable insights, but also through allyship I hope to contribute personally and as CEO towards positive change. I’m eager to explore how GS can further improve both internally and in the work we do externally. I am genuinely excited about being an AGS and the opportunity it presents to create a future where diversity is celebrated, and GS becomes a driving force for positive transformation”.

Headshot of Tina ReidTina Welch – AGS for Women’s Affinity Group. Tina’s personal experiences make her a passionate champion for women in the workplace. She shares, “I put myself forward to support the women’s affinity group as I have had my own challenges progressing my career as a female, and a single parent.  I passionately care about women in this business feeling and knowing that they can be the best version of themselves whilst progressing their career here.  I also want to show case the amazing work that we do here to help set the standard for other businesses too”.

Headshot of Mark PowellMark Powell – AGS for LGBTQ+ Affinity Group. Mark is dedicated to championing equity and equality, and eager to learn more from the group he is sponsoring. He explains, “I volunteered because I am passionate about championing equity and equality in life and the workplace, and I am keen to be a visible ally to under-represented and marginalised groups.  The role of sponsor to the LGBTQ+ Affinity Group affords me this opportunity, and I am really looking forward to working in a two-way partnership with the group to help them drive their vision, learning more about the social constructs of identity, and having fun along the way!”


Headshot of Michael DobsonMichael Dobson – AGS for Disability Affinity Group. Michael’s personal connection to the group he is sponsoring will undoubtedly be a driving force for progress. He tells us, “I am a strong supporter of all the affinity groups that we have established across GS but from a personal perspective, the disability group has a stronger connection for me. Having been diagnosed as a Type 1 Diabetic at the age of 8 I was highly motivated not to let it affect me or prevent me from achieving the ambitions I had in life and in the sporting arena. Thankfully it didn’t, but managing diabetes did teach me a lot along the way and sharing some of that experience will hopefully, in some way help to support others. Working initially in sport, before joining the executive search business, part of my remit was to engage with a range of focused sports groups, one of which was disability. For me, being an active part of and supporter of this group is an opportunity to continue some of my earlier career work, and hopefully make a valuable contribution to the group”.

The addition of these dedicated AGSs reaffirms our commitment to D&I. Their passion, empathy, and commitment will surely foster a more inclusive, understanding, and diverse GS.  We are very excited to see the changes these leaders will drive, and we can’t wait to see how our affinity groups will continue to flourish under their guidance and support.

AGS’s, welcome and thank you!

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