Welcome to the first edition of ‘Perspectives’ we hope you find it an interesting read.
Both Andrew and I felt that, with not only a focus on governance across the public sector, but the momentum behind FE as the key sector in driving skills reform across the UK, that hearing from a range of public sector leaders about their views on governance might make for interesting and thought provoking reading.
GatenbySanderson find this a particularly interesting area and feel now is the right time to provide some insights from our networks to you, our key clients, Chairs and CEOs of the FE Sector. What we hope to do on a regular basis is send out articles from a range of public sector leaders about governance and other leadership challenges. We will also be hosting a range of events across the country specifically aimed at Chairs and CEOs to further explore these issues. In this issue:
- Role of chairs is critical to making the most of new opportunities for FE – Sir Frank McLoughlin, CBE, ETF – Associate Director, Leadership
- CEO and Chair: the partnership which is critical to success for every FE college – Peter Lauener, NCG – Chair
- Clarity of purpose sets the tone for the board success – Simon Gaskell, QAA – Chair of the Board of Directors
- Fresh challenges demand new capabilities on FE boards – Jody Goldsworthy, GatenbySanderson – Executive Director, Leadership & Talent Consultancy
We would like to thank those who have contributed and hope that you find this a welcome addition to the governance discussion.
As a leadership development organisation, GatenbySanderson are well positioned to help develop senior teams and boards within the sector and to attract the top talent into Colleges/College Groups, so please get in touch if you would like to discuss your leadership challenges.
Paul Aristides, Partner – Executive Search: paul.aristides@www.gatenbysanderson.com
Andrew White, Principal Consultant – Leadership & Talent Consultancy: andrew.white@www.gatenbysanderson.com