The challenges boards face are becoming ever more complex. From increasing regulatory expectations, to facing increasing media scrutiny, the board and its members bear the responsibility for successfully navigating their organisation through this context.
Our board evaluation and development interventions support boards and develop their members to effectively lead their organisations, through setting a clear strategy, providing clarity of purpose and strong governance.
The need to ensure that boards, and their governance arrangements, are fit for purpose is a requirement for all organisations across the sectors we work in, and increasingly the requirement to seek assurance from independent review is growing.
Our board sector experts partner with you to evaluate how well your board is meeting the range of expectations placed on it and the extent to which the board has the foundations and bench strength to deliver on its organisational ambitions and strategic objectives.
Individual Board Member Review
We assess and independently validate the performance and skills of individual board members, the development of robust appraisal processes and conducting independently validated skills reviews. The outputs of these processes can also be drawn together to provide clients with a view of collective performance.
Collective Board Review
We offer a range of review processes to give you a deep understanding of how your board supports your organisation’s strategic objectives. This includes conducting 360-degree reviews, collective skills audits, and support in determining the focus of board development and succession planning.
Board Process Review
The review of your governance structures and processes can support an organisation to assess if current arrangements fully support the board in being highly effective.
Our experts conduct a thorough end to end review of your processes, drawing on best practices from a range of sectors, establishing and improving:
– Governing instruments
– Annual meeting planning
– Effective information flow
– Effective paper production processes
Our evaluations provide an independent and objective view of the strengths and risks in your current board, committee and governance arrangements. This will help you identify areas for improvement and develop a high-performing board and effective governance arrangements.
As stakeholders and employees seek the board’s guidance in increasingly complex environments, the pressure this can put on you and your board can lead to introspection and a focus on immediate challenges resulting in the de-prioritisation of essential board development interventions.
Our extensive experience delivering board development interventions with large and complex public sector organisations, gives our sector experts a unique understanding of your specific board needs.
Individual Board Member Development
We offer one-on-one coaching for board members that is tailored to the individual’s unique challenges and supports their personal development objectives. Using our 5-stage process we can ensure the effectiveness of the intervention, starting with matching the coachee with an experienced coach. Coaching can include diagnostics such as 360 and psychometrics that reflect essential board member behaviours and governance competencies to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Collective Board Development
Our range of interventions are based on the board’s stage of maturity and can also be informed by insights gathered through board evaluation processes.
We utilise 4 main development interventions, each with specific learning outcomes:
1. New boards
2. Board dynamics
3. Board performance
4. Strategic boards.
These interventions create a strong sense of inclusion and integration, enhancing board development and performance while nurturing relationships.
This paves the way for the board to think more collegiately with innovation, vision, and strategy.
Complete the form below to get a free copy of our Board Advisory digital brochure. One of our consultants will be in touch to offer you a free consultation to discuss your specific requirements and how we can make our services bespoke to your organisation’s needs.